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domingo, 22 de abril de 2012


nani ga nani yara minna saite iru
Taneda Santôka (種田 山頭火)

Qué será qué… / Todo está floreciendo
(Tr. y comentario de Vicente Haya)
What they are - / I don't know. / But they're all blooming. 
(Tr. by Hisashi Miura and James Green)
What's this? What's that? / Everything is blooming. (Tr. by Takashi Nonin)
Which is what everything’s abloom (Tr. by Hiroaki Sato)
  Whatever it all is it all is blossoming (Tr. by Scott Watson)
  Which is which / everything's blooming (Tr. by Emiko Miyashita and Paul Watsky)
  Qu’est ceci, qu’est cela ? tout fleurit (Tr. par Daniel Py)
  Was ist was / alles blüht (Übers. von Dietmar Tauchner)