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domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012


Enten o itadaite koi aruku
Taneda Santôka (種田 山頭火)
Begging: I accept / The blazing sun. (Tr. by John Stevens)
Begging: I accept / the burning sun. (Tr. by Okami) 
Blazing sky above me / walking / begging (Tr. by Burton Watson)
Walking and begging, / thanking the burning sun. (Tr. by endoy)
Burning heaven on my head I beg I walk (Tr. by Hiroaki Sato)
Above my head - / The burning summer sky, / Begging and walking. 
(Tr. by Hisashi Miura and James Green)
Under the canopy of scorching heaven / I walk and beg. (Tr. by Takashi Nonin)
Burning heaven on my head I beg I walk (Tr. by Hiroaki Sato)
Taking in the scorching sun, / begging as I go. (Tr. by James Abrams)
Mendiant / j'accepte / le soleil brûlant (Tr. par Gilles Fabre)