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sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013


furusato wa tōku shite ki-no-me
Taneda Santôka (種田 山頭火)
Home / a long way off / budding trees (Tr. by Burton Watson)
My native place / Far away: / The buds on the trees. (Tr. by R. H. Blyth)
Far / from my home village / budding trees (Tr. by Gilles Fabre)
My native town / Far, far away-- / Burgeoning trees. (Tr. by Takashi Nonin)
My hometown’s distant tree buds (Tr. by Hiroaki Sato)
My home is far away, / the sprout of a tree. (Tr. by James Abrams)
Have been far from my hometown, / trees around me are in bud. (Tr. by Endoy)