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martes, 28 de febrero de 2012


amadare no oto mo toshi totta
Taneda Santôka (種田 山頭火)
Incluso el sonido de las gotas de lluvia /  ha envejecido.
(Tr. de Vicente Haya)
 Fins i tot el so de les gotes de pluja / ha envellit
(Tr. per Rafael Juan)
Even the sound of the raindrops / Has grown older. (Tr. by John Stevens)

The sound of the rain-drops also / Has grown older. (Tr. by R. H. Blyth)

Sound of raindrops, / You're getting old, too. (Tr. by Takashi Nonin)
The sound of the rain dripping has also grown old (Tr. by Hiroaki Sato)

The sound of raindrops, / I have become old. (Tr. by James Abrams)
The sound / of the raindrops / also grown older 
(Tr. by Stephen Addiss with Fumiko and Akira Yamamoto)

Le bruit des gouttes de pluie aussi / A vieilli (Tr. par Vincent-Paul Toccoli)

Selbst der Klang der Regentropfen ist gealtert (Übers. Robert F. Wittkamp)