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jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012


ume ochi kochi minami subeku kita subeku
Yosa Buson (与謝 蕪村)
Ciruelos por todas partes… / Debería ir al sur / o debería ir al norte?
(Tr. y comentario de Vicente Haya)
Ume blooming far and near; Whether to go South or north? (Tr. by Shoji Kumano)
Plum flowers far and near. Shall I go to the south? Shall I go north? (Anonymous tr.)
Plum blossoms everywhere, I should go south, I should go north (Anonymous tr.)
Plum blossoms here and there -- It's good to go north, good to go south. (Anonymous tr.)
Des fleurs de prunier ici et là, il fait bon aller vers le nord, il fait bon aller vers le sud 
(Tr. par Daniel Py)